Thursday, June 27, 2024

We're likely already in WWIII, and our current conflict is like WWI

 We’re quickly heading towards a WWI type scenario, where a number of smaller border skirmishes will coalesce in to a larger world war. Appeasement and slow action will lead to this in part, with it opening up aggressive action from otherwise far weaker enemies I fully expect Taiwan to be invaded before the new president is sworn in but likely after the election, unless they get antsy and jump the gun sooner. Ukraine, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Israel, Venezuelas neighbors, the Brazil and Myanmar coups, it’s not looking good. Weak leadership in the west created this as they did not create an effective deterrence. What point is a giant military if you don’t use it? In many ways we are already in WWIII. A bioweapon is released, the whole world goes on lock down (due to chinese and north korean influence over the WHO), and then our major cities are taken over by communist guerrillas (Chaz, Chop), a number of coups happen around the world, and during the chaos wars break out by the same people who financed the lock down arguments and rioters. A dozen border skirmishes by Chinese and Russian connected groups already exist, be it Israel or Afghanistan. It’s already here

With Syrian, North korean, Cuban, Chinese and other troops going to Ukraine, it's quickly becoming the start of a global conflict. Each of these countries militarily and economically are allying so close they are sharing troops, and Ukrainian and Russian troops are already fighting each other in Africa. America killed 300 russian troops which attacked it's forces in Syria first, and there have been dozens of skirmishes. NATO cables cut, pipelines blown up, american volunteer troops fighting Russian one's. American soldiers have likely fought Chinese soldiers in Ukraine already, and the equipment certainly is facing off. Despite attempts to the otherwise, we are essentially already in WWIII, although it looks more like WWI. Hopefully civilians will not be caught up in the war, but its only a 40 mile drive from the frontlines in Ukraine, a lot like it was in WWI where soldiers would go drink at a pub at night and then return to the trenches. This is the way war is being fought now, trench warfare and all in Ukraine, and it likely will escalate soon, dragging more countries in.

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