Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The communist is a master of projection, because he is a master of hypocrisy

The communist is a master of projection. He takes the suffering and slavery of his own people, the Uygher slave camps or Bauxite mines of the soviets, and projects it on to the capitalist, suggesting the highest standard of living the world has ever seen equates to slavery, ignoring the slave of his own or his preferred nation he for some reason refuses to live in.

He demands we copy the failed system to improve our own standard of living, that somehow wages will go up or costs will improve if we base our system on the somehow superior, authoritarian failed system of the Venezuelans, Cubans, Russians, Chinese or other communist state, but simultaneously insists that the only reason why these systems are so bad is due to our interference. Simultaneously exalting the virtues of this cesspool while acknowledging how poor off that it is. The communist is also a master of hypocrisy, or self contradiction, necessary to be a master of projection. The communist when standards of living improve in the west, recreates and redefines long established terms and values, to constantly insist, based on these new definitions, there must be something wrong with society, by not meeting these ever increasing and ridiculous demands. He will both demand increased wages for everyone but lower prices, ignoring higher wages for nurses, doctors, farmers and construction workers would drive up the price of medicine, food and housing. Or worse he demands it free. The communist demands higher wages for nurses and doctors but cheaper costs, demanding the best treatment but also that it be the cheapest. If we have the highest survival rates, standards of care and fastest response times, it's too expensive, and if we don't spend the money, we don't care enough. When we do spend exactly as much as he demands he complains it costs too much. The communist puts a crunch on both ends of the system. He simultaneously demands cheaper or even free food and medicine, declaring it a human right (although ignoring the rights of the farmer such as those evil Afrikaner’s or Ukrainian kulaks), and yet declares farming to be the biggest threat climate change and thus insists it must be banned or so severely curtailed shortages and price increases must become inevitable, without slavery (again, of poor kulaks). He demands a cheaper transit yet wants to ban or regulate oil, gas and other fuels, even being against nuclear, the cheapest and cleanest form of power. Somehow all of these are inadequate but the pollution from cobalt mines and lithium ion production or neodymium magnets is to be ignored, along side its profits to communist countries like China, which produce 95% of the worlds solar panels. Or straight up buying oil and gas from Russia, Qatar or Iran, as Europe did increasing its Russian oil and gas supply from 10% to 45%, due to climate change regulations. Fancy that. And that Angela merkel personally knew Putin and was a Soviet politician in 1989. The communist puts a squeeze on both ends, demanding more but also that we limit production. Insisting we consume too much end need to cut back but we need such a surplus it becomes practically free. In the end his goal is simple, to destroy our society and give our wealth and prosperity to our enemies. Even when we shower a communist or socialist country with resources and humanitarian aid, we do not see an improvement of standard of living but a bottomless pit of government waste. Look at North Korea, Venezuela, South Africa, or any other country we've provided humanitarian aid. Once again we see immense suffering, that only a change in the system could correct. It would be more valuable for the average person living there to pick up a gun and overthrow the system than for the government to receive food the people will never get. And yet the socialist and communist, nearly indistinguishable from each other, demands this suffering for himself and all his countrymen, insisting both these countries have it better and are only poor due to us. That we can right our “capitalist slavery” via socialist chains. A communist is a master of projection precisely because he is a matter of hypocrisy.