Biden's connections to the Russians
In his first week in office, Biden removed most trade and oil sanctions off of Qatar, Iran, and Russia, removed the sanctions on completing the Nordstream oil pipeline, started selling our strategic oil reserves to China and Russia, forced American companies to buy Russian oil (going up to 10% of our supply at one point) and shut down the U.S.'s own domestic and allied oil pipelines, including a partnership with Canada in the keystone pipeline. As a consequence of this, gas prices soared, from a 1.30 to up to 5-7 dollars in some cases, and nearly everything in U.S. life became more expensive, as energy and in particular oil is required to transport virtually all goods in vehicles, as well as heat or cool them potentially. Russia made a tremendous profit, and nearly a year later, invaded Ukraine. This push towards reliance on Russian oil and gas, including in the U.S. but also overseas, made the EU vulnerable to Russian sanctions and was designed to put leverage on them to bend to Russia's will, which could have been alleviated in part had the U.S. sent our strategic oil reserve to Europe instead of to China or Russia, let alone right before a major war. Roughly 45% of Europe's gas and oil comes from Russia, and it is close to 100% in some countries, meaning they would likely freeze in the winter or suffer massive civilian losses should they choose to continue sanctioning Russia or helping Ukraine.
This decisions are inexplicable, and Republican attempts to ban sending our strategic oil reserves to China and Russia were blocked by not only Biden, but the entire democrat party, who almost unanimously voted to keep sending it overseas even after a war had broken out. Further, Biden blocked attempts to stop buying Russian oil even while selling our reserves, and even tried to increase reliance on oil from Venezuela and Qatar, both Russian allies, as well as a failed attempt at Saudi Arabia who is not explicitly a Russian ally, but nonetheless is not sending large volumes of oil to Europe. The mere removal of oil from these international sources instead of producing it ourselves means Europe will be without their oil, which is closer in proximity and therefore easier to provide in large volumes over pipelines. He withdrew American troops from Ukraine on February 12th, twelve days before Russia would invade on February 24th despite the intelligence communities warning of an impending war, allowed for an oil pipeline to bypass Ukraine entirely to not be dependent on Ukraine to send oil to Europe, and blocked equipment from going to Ukraine while in office, both in 2014 during the Crimean invasion and again in 2022, when he was in office both times. Despite the political unpopularity of this, he continued, even after angering his own voting base and foreign countries.
A simple question, is, why? What possible motive could Biden have other than an attempt to help out the Russians? It is well known he has financial ties to Russia, and an ideological view in favor of the Russians, but was he willing to sabotage his own and other countries for their benefit? At the same time, when the war in Ukraine broke out, he blocked long range missile systems including the HIMARS system, aircraft, tanks, and IFV's from going to Ukraine, which were and are seen as crucial for winning the war, and simultaneously blocked further aid from being sent, once again for no reason against the will of over 90% of the american public, if we account for congress's voting approval. Bipartisan approval like this for any bill is rare, and it is shocking to see the president illegally block aid for no clearly explainable reason. Months after the war had started, which was predicted to be lost in under three days given how dire the circumstances were, Biden finally relented, sending watered down HIMARS systems to Ukraine without long range capabilities, a clear slap in the face to the Ukranians. To show you the importance of these systems, with just four HIMARS systems delivered from the UK, Ukraine managed to cut Russian artillery bombardment down to just 1/4 the level, or from X number of shells a day to X. This doesn't just mean defeating the Russians in battle, of which immediately after this the Ukrainians were capable of doing a counter offensive. It means saving lives, as Russia has shelled entire cities to rubble, killing 10's of thousands of people in the war. Every day artillery keeps shelling Ukraine, more civilians die, more Ukranian soldiers die, and Ukraine gets closer to losing a war with an adversary who openly states via Pravda news, a state owned news agency of Russia (better known as a propaganda outlet), their goal is to "De-ukranize Ukraine", or to remove 1/3rd of the Ukrainian population. A genocide not seen on this scale from the Russians since the similiar Holomodor in Ukraine, in the 1930's, which killed nearly 10 million people.
Understanding the gravity of the situation and what is on the table, with numerous mass graves being found of largely civilians in areas the Russians captured but were later liberated, such as the Bucha massacre, why would Biden delay for nearly 8-10 months sending hardly anything other than a tiny amount of inconsequential weapons to Ukraine to defend themselves? Sending these weapons to Ukraine cost the U.S. tax payers nothing as they are already paid for, and largely in unused stockpiles, that's only existing purpose would to be used in case of a Russian invasion to thin out Russian forces (which they're being used for, now), and all of congress and the international community is behind supporting them being sent to Ukraine. So why be the sole individual to block it, and then give no explanation and refuse to take questions from the media? Considering his financial ties to Russia and corruption in Ukraine, outed by Ukrainian President Zelenskey himself, largely seen as a hero in this war, it's hard to believe this is some kind of mistake. I hardly believe in laser-guided coincidences as it is, that manage to fail with such spectacular precision, however leaks of the Biden family's financial transactions both through court documents and his labtop, and leaked phone calls, have revealed much of Biden's financial connections to Russia and Russians who were illegally operating in Ukraine, that he helped to support. Further, his prior actions in Afghanistan show an eerily similiar trend, where he helps out the Russian-backed Taliban (of which Russia stores all their gold and supplied all their weapons), again, against all of his military and intelligence advisors advice, and with no obvious reason given, once again committing several illegal acts by doing so, many of which have now been successfully disputed in court. Sadly while the Biden administration may suffer lawsuits, Biden himself will likely never see time in prison, at least not any time soon for these actions, but we can understand what has happened and the damage it has caused.
Biden's connections to the Russians
Biden has a long standing ideological support for the Russians. He gave numerous speeches in congress praising and supporting them, and said they were "not out to eat our lunch", the same with China, intending to indicate that they were not a threat. In 1992, Biden wrote an article called "How I learned to love the New World Order", where he praises China and Russia, and demands a larger influence of them in the United Nations, a shrinking of the U.S. military weapons procurement and budget, and calls them a "Maverick" of weapons trafficking, suggesting it's a good thing they are arming America's enemy and that we should shrink from the world stage and let China and Russia handle things. He is also a socialist who has called for nationalizing America's oil supply, like Russia has done, among other similiar actions, with a considerable overlap in beliefs.
While these are open statements that can be easily fact checked and proven, what has been less well known is his own personal financial connections to the Russians. Granted, ideological favoritism towards Russia and against Ukraine is likely a bigger influence on his views, but financial connections prove illicit and licit deals with the Russians,