Kamala Harris banned and restricted Violent Video games in California: The Democrat Agenda to Ban Videos games now and in the Early 2000's
There's a frequent reoccurring problem with the left-wing in the United States, and most of the western world, especially regarding the majority political parties. Policies and ideological goals of the left, and specifically the Democrats in the U.S., have been after they were proven to be immensely unpopular, had the blame shifted to the right-wing, and typically the Republicans. While Republicans were the primary one's to push for civil rights in the 60's, a myth emerged that the parties had miracously and suddenly "switched" on the issue, a figure so widely believed that approximately 80-90% of African Americans voted in favor of the democrats after the 1970's, particularly in presidential election, a trend which continues even to the modern day. Despite the 1957 civil rights being being written by Richard Nixon and the 1964 civil rights bill written with his help, the Republican party is often blamed for Jime Crowe era laws, despite being the one's to work to repeal it. There were no serious party changes for people who voted against civil rights and switched over to the Republican side, except one, Strom Thurmond, who after it was revealed he had a black son, reversed his position on civil rights and shifted party allegiance over to the Party of Civil rights. Abraham Lincoln is well known for freeing the slaves, and yet, the Republican party is branded as racist, and even Fascist by many on the left today. It's ironic the term fascist is used so widely, when the New York times themselves advocated for Hitler as far back as 1921, calling him more progressive than FDR who, and making him the first man of the year, explicitly endorsing him as the candidate, the positive media press likely helping him get to power. Despite the left endorsing him, Stalin, Mao, the Soviet union in general, China, Venezuela, Cuba, and numerous other genocidal regimes, notably Noam Chomske, an incredibly influential leader with the left, explicitly endorsing the Khmer Rouge.
One such issue is on the topic of banning violent video games. Kamala Harris while an attorney general for California at the time, oversaw the landmark supreme court case, where she lost the ban on violent games and the supreme court overruled this, in the name of freedom of speech. The case, known as the "Edmund G. Brown, Governor of the State of California, and Kamala Harris, Attorney General of the State of California v. Entertainment Merchants Association and Entertainment Software Association", was a law in California which attempted to apply draconian video game restrictions, particularly in regards to violent video games. California among other democrat states tried to ban violent video games, and Leland Yee, a popular child psychologist congressmen who argued in favor of banning violent video games for the sake of children, pushed the charge on the side of the democrats in the 90's and early 2000's, with the votes in congress primary being split between partisan party lines, with Republicans largely against bans and restrictions on guns in media such as hollywood and video games, and the Democrats in favor of it. The famed child psychologist supposedly against gun violence, would later be caught being involved in gun trafficking, and confessed to these crimes after videos by the FBI revealed his involvement in them. [1][2] It's hard to overstate the importance of this, as the leading anti-gun congressmen at the time, perhaps the face of the entire movement, who was anti-gun so much so he was against their mere depictions in movies and video games, was caught illegally trafficking guns for terrorists, largely anti-tank and anti-aircraft rocket launchers, some in to the United States, for his own purposes, effectively disarming the average citizen while arming his own side and America's enemies. What's more insane is that he is now released after a mere 4 years in prison and running for political office, again. And may actually win due to the sheer ignorance of democrat voters.
Despite Republicans taking the blame for corruption and scandals which often don't even involve crimes, and for trying to ban violent video games, it was democrats who tried largely to ban violent video games. Yet many of the youth, including people I know personally, still believe the exact opposite, even on civil rights and other issues. The importance of this is not only a moral one for restrictions on freedom of speech, but a purely logical one on knowing who to vote for. The first people to complain about the system blindly vote for people that take away all their rights, these democrat voters "Vote Blue no matter who", and fail to realize, in any way, that most of their problems are created by those who claim to fight against these problems. Quietly in the background, the people you elect are working against your own best interests, and all it took was a meme on twitter or a straight up lie on television for you to forget anything about history and create your own reality. The problem with this is you are constantly putting the people against your own stated interests in power, and fail to look in to their voting history or even simply listen to them speak.